Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Electric Scooters Are Taking Over My Neighborhood!

Help! There is an electric motor scooter chasing me! Nope- not really. It just FEELS that way.

It seems That just about every day I see a new kid on an electric scooter buzzing around our neuighborhood.

Actually, it's not just kids. I have two neighbors of mine who are in my age group that ride almost daily.

One of them has a cheap electric scooter that he bought online, and the other has a much nicer model.

Luckily, for the most part they are quiet, although it does rile up my dog a bit. The other day, my neighbor who has the nice model,(resembles one of those "Vespa" scooters), cam e whizzing by me while I was walking on the sidewalk.

He has a fast electric scooter, and he has no business riding on the sidewalk like the kids. He needs to pay attention to the term "street legal".

Frankly, I would be a liar if I didn't admit that I was considering buying one for myself. You can get a pretty decent model for around 450.00 on Amazon.com.

I'll probably check around, and read some reviews on various models. Amazon has excellent reviews on most of their products.

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