I began doing research on electric scooters about 2 months before Christmas. I wanted a quality electric scooter for our recently adopted, 10 year old daughter. I hadn't really even looked at them since I was about 10 years old, so I obviously had a LOT to learn! However, in the course of doing my research, I did manage to discover what good electric scooters have in common
The first thing I discovered was that the quality manfacturers had at least a 90 day warranty on parts and labor. Also, they had a separate warranty on the battery. The battery warranty should be at least 6 months.
If you really have a lasting electric scooter, the battery should be good for several hundred charges.
Brakes are another important consideration. If your model weighs more than 60 lbs, or so, you really should have disc brakes. Preferably on the front and back wheels.
Most quality models have hand held "bicycle" style brakes, and disc brakes ensure that braking is crisp and precise, especially going down hills.
If you intend to ride your scooter any distance, particularly in dim lighting, you should consider running lights. These would include a front headlight, rear lights, and a directional signal.
Also, it is always a good idea to get a
seated electric scooter.
Also, a quality model will have a wide enough deck to handle kids as they grow larger, and it should have a abs non-slip surface.
Also, if you really have a versatile model, your unit should have some kind of storage area. This makes it versatile enough to run errands with.
Finally, the model you select should be a
fast electric scooter to make riding fun. A top speed of 10 mph is fine for kids under 12, while older kids and adults should have a top speed of at least 15 mph.
Consequently, while it is difficult to determine the
best electric scooter, hopefully these features we have listed will make your shopping somewhat easier.