Friday, February 26, 2010

Electric Scooters- What An Experience!

Our kids have ridden electric scooters for about 2 years. We bought them each a Currie electric scooter for Christmas.

My wife and I have watched them become quite attached to their scooters. They now ride with several other children almost daily.

They almost look like a scooter "caravan", as they traverse the neighborhood!
They even have learned to do a few tricks, such as jumping ramps, and so far no casualties.

My wife and I have now decided to buy an electric scooter. We think riding the scooters would be a great source of recreation, and a way to get out of the house.

Luckily, we have some great biking trails nearby that would be perfect for riding an electric motor scooter, too.

Of course, now we need to do some serious shopping for electric scooters that are intended primarily for older kids and adults. Currie scooters, which our kids ride, are really for kids and adults, so we look at them first.

We have been pleased with their reliability and quality.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Should An Adult Ride An Electric Scooter?

Not very long ago, I posed the question to myself; "should an adult ride an electric scooter?"

The concept of an adult electric scooter was not new to me, as my neighbor has ridden one for a few years.

My children have ridden them as well. My oldest son,(13 years old), has a "spiffy" 500 watt electric scooter.

He whizzes around on it at speeds reaching 15 mph, and has a blast!

So, privately I have always had an interest in owning one for myself. My neighbor's electric motor scooter is actually street "legal", and he frequently runs errands to nearby stores.

He still has to take back streets, as his model has a top speed of 21 mph. It does, however, have a headlight, tail lights, and a directional signal.

Consequently, he can readily drive after dark!

As far as I am concerned, the only electric vehicle that I have ever driven, is a golf cart. Actually, because we live in Southern California, I have always entertained the idea of ownong one of them.

The problem with that is pretty obvious, I am a lousy golfer, and don't play much. It just would not be practical.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Electric Scooters Sure Are Fun!

I have ridden an electric motor scooter for almost a year now, and I've got to admit that they sure are fun! My son is the veteran of the family, as he has ridden for almost 3 years now!

Originally, I didn't intend to buy an electric scooter. My favorite way of getting out in the fresh air was to play golf.

Unfortunately, I rarely found myself out on the course very often. I always seem to be too busy.

One day my son approached me with the idea of taking a test ride on his
electric scooter. His model could handle riders up to 240 lbs, and I was about a 6 pack shy of that, so I decided to give it a shot.

Luckily, he had a seat that could be adjusted, as we are different heights. Starting it up couldn't be easier, just push a button, and off I went!

I was amazed at how smooth the ride was! Even though it is only about 60 lbs, it took the bumps very well. It is also extremely quiet, too
I thought to myself, "this is no cheap electric scooter!"

I rode for about 15 minutes, and I did not want to use up all the charge in the battery, so I turned it back over to my son.

I ordered mine the next day!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Electric Scooters Are Taking Over My Neighborhood!

Help! There is an electric motor scooter chasing me! Nope- not really. It just FEELS that way.

It seems That just about every day I see a new kid on an electric scooter buzzing around our neuighborhood.

Actually, it's not just kids. I have two neighbors of mine who are in my age group that ride almost daily.

One of them has a cheap electric scooter that he bought online, and the other has a much nicer model.

Luckily, for the most part they are quiet, although it does rile up my dog a bit. The other day, my neighbor who has the nice model,(resembles one of those "Vespa" scooters), cam e whizzing by me while I was walking on the sidewalk.

He has a fast electric scooter, and he has no business riding on the sidewalk like the kids. He needs to pay attention to the term "street legal".

Frankly, I would be a liar if I didn't admit that I was considering buying one for myself. You can get a pretty decent model for around 450.00 on

I'll probably check around, and read some reviews on various models. Amazon has excellent reviews on most of their products.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Discover The Joys Of An Electric Scooter!

It seems like an eternity ago that my wife and I decided to buy an electric scooter for our daughter Lisa.

She never would ride her bike, and we were racking our brains trying to think of some way to get her outside in the fresh air.

Finally, we talked to our neighbor who has 3 electric scooters in the family, and he was the one who "sold" us on the idea of buying one.

Luckily, we had him to kind of "guide" us through the purchase. To buy electric scooters was a totally new experience for us!

He said that we could expect to pay anywhere from 100.00 to 500.00, for a good electric scooter. Also, he said that most electric scooters for kids have a top speed of about 10 mph. He actually had a fast el;ectric scooter, that had a top speed of 20+ mph!

We ended up getting her a "Euro" style scooter, with a built in docking station for her iPod, and an F.M. radio.

She LOVES it! In fact, she has 3 girlfriends that also have electric scooters, and they go riding practically everyday.

Now, it's hard to get her back in the house! We like the scooter so much, that my wife and I are considering buying one for ourselves!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Electric Scooters Are Good Old Fashioned "Fun"!

Recently, we bought our youngest son a Razor E100 electric scooter for his 9th birthday.

Several of his friends have various models of electric scooters, and he had been begging us for weeks to get him one.

We got him the E100 model because we felt like it was the best "entry level" scooter for younger kids.

It requires a little push before activating the motor, so in that sense it is a little like his traditional scooter.

Despite being for younger kids, his scooter zips along pretty good. We figure that it has a top speed of 10+ mph! He can actually go faster than his friends are able to on their bikes!

Now, he is riding his scooter with some of the older kids in the neighborhood. We have a neighbor who rides an X Treme X 600 high performance electric scooter. It is a model intended for teenagers and adults.

It has a top speed of 23 mph! MUCH too fast for a 9 year old.

In retrospect, we probably should have gotten him a
Razor E200S seated electric scooter
. It has a removable and adjustable seat, which definitely comes in handy for longer trips.

Especially considering it can run continuously for 45 minutes on a single charge!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Shopping For Electric Scooters- More Helpful Tips

Naturally, when you are shopping for anything, you want to get the best "deal".

And this is equally true when you are looking to buy an electric scooter.

However, in your quest to find the best bargain available, don't overlook some key factors.

Firstly, don't simply look for a cheap electric scooter. I know that sounds obvious, but some people get so caught up in saving money, they forget why they wanted an electric scooter for in the first place!

Frankly speaking, just like evrything else in this world, with electric scooters you get what you pay for. When a price seems too good to be true, start being suspicious.

For example, check the reputation of the manufacturer. Read reviews about the model you are looking at, if they are available.

Better yet, try and find the model in a store in your local area, and look at it "in person".

The point is, what you really want is the best electric scooter for the dollars you are investing. THAT is the real key!

Stick with reputable companies such as Razor USA, Schwinn, and Currie Technologies. These are companies that will stand by their warranties, and provide replacement parts.